自從看了Mr.Greg後越來越愛珍珠{(o:^>) 11分鐘可以聽到7首歌,讓我發現觀賞動畫不只有視覺,還有聽覺的享受。Lapidot真的太可愛!hit the diamond這集看了好多遍,會被紅藍閃瞎。很喜歡第三季後半紫晶的部分,平常喜歡開玩笑的紫晶,認真起來好好看(馬尾萬歲)最可愛的煙晶登場了!還有神秘到不行的鉍晶,成品短视频APP软件网站原本以為她一開始就會出現的說。
平庸的剧本,精致流水线高标准的制作/制片。I think Taron should occasionally give up on the idea of being the traditional male lead with the body the charm the image the whole package and start to dig deeper and explore more.. it’s like the bigger his muscle gets, the more restrained his performance gets. It’s not good for him both as an performer and as a person.